Your skin and the menopause: Tips to tackle common symptoms

Every woman will experience perimenopause and menopause and many of us struggle to keep on top of the symptoms. With World Menopause Day being celebrated on October 18th 2021 across the globe, it’s a good time to shine a light on symptoms and support options available for improving health and wellness during this time. Menopausal symptoms can be deeply personal, affecting everything from your moods to your weight and hair, but one of the most common problems women face when going through this period are changes to our skin. Changes such as these can be emotional and difficult to cope with, so we have compiled an essential list of top tips to help guide you through caring and maintaining your skin during this tricky time.

1. Keep cool and carry on

Spontaneous hot flushes are common for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause. It’s often described as a sudden feeling of heat that spreads throughout the body, causing the face to become red, hot and sweaty. Regular occurrences of hot flushes and “night sweats” can be overwhelming and uncomfortable as it can take time for your skin to cool down. It can really help to have a trusted remedy to hand and luckily, a menthol in aqueous cream preparation, like Menthoderm® with its cooling properties may help to manage hot flushes.

In the case of hot flushes, a liberal application of Menthoderm to the nape (back of the neck) may help to calm and alleviate the sensation of over-heating. So you can stop being hot and bothered and get on with the things that matter!


2. Eradicate any acne

Sadly, acne does not always stay confined to our teenage years – hormonal changes during the perimenopausal period can activate menopausal acne, meaning that some women will have to deal with painful, unsightly spots. In peri- and menopause, these blemishes often occur near the chin, jaw and mouth. To combat this, consider eating and drinking more mindfully. Swap out caffeine, alcohol and overly processed foods for ones which are rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 as well as plenty of cruciferous vegetables. Dermatologists also recommended investing in a daily cleanser containing salicylic acid and an oil free moisturiser, as well as getting into the habit of wearing SPF30 sun cream on a daily basis.


3. Ditch the dry skin

Diminishing oestrogen levels can play havoc with our skin during the menopause. This change in hormone levels can slow down the body’s production of skin-smoothing collagen and trigger a decrease in natural oils, which can lead to dry, thin and itchy skin. This can become not only irritating but painful to deal with on a daily basis, as well as disturbing sleep patterns. Once again, a menthol in aqueous cream such as Menthoderm® can be your soothing saviour. Menthol has cooling properties which can really help alleviate dry, irritated or itchy skin.

When applied to the surface of the skin, Menthoderm, like other topical preparations, should be applied in the direction of hair growth.

4. Stay happy and hydrated

Your skin is also at risk from a reduction in cell renewal and the slowing down of oil production from the sebaceous glands, which could lead to even the most healthy complexions becoming more rough and dull than usual. The skin barrier can also become more vulnerable during this time so it is important to drink lots of water throughout the day and choose hydrating cleansers and moisturisers.


5. Rebuff the rash

A lesser-known side effect of the menopause on our skin is an increase in the severity of allergic reactions or new onset allergies, which can lead to red, uncomfortable skin rashes. This can be attributed to the interaction between oestrogen and histamine, as fluctuating hormone levels may hinder the process of eradicating the histamines produced from food that we eat. Working closely with a dietician to work out what your trigger foods might be is a good way to start combatting this problem.


Getting under the skin of seasonal conditions


#YourSkin Campaign with The Guardian and Metroplanet